
Already a Member? Want to join an SPE Chapter?

Technical Chapter?

Geographical Chapter?

Student Chapter?

Technical Chapters

Divisions and Technical Interest Groups are technical chapters that are organized around a specific process or application in the plastics industry. Division and Technical Interest Groups members can attend technical conferences, network with other plastics professionals, publish and present technical papers and research, and stay current with news and information through their Division and Technical Interest Groups newsletters and conference proceedings.

Geographical Chapters

Sections and Regional Interest Groups are SPE's geographically-based technical groups, located in over 84 countries throughout the world. Section and Regional Interest Groups leaders and volunteers organize technical meetings, facility/plant tours, and networking events so that members can meet and network with other plastics professionals and stay in touch with local industry while learning about new technologies and developments in polymer plastics research.

Student Chapters

A Chapter provides students at your university with the unique opportunity for networking, mentoring, education and bonding over the common interest of plastics. They provide support both within your university community and to local area communities outside your school.

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